.Love for fiber.

As a fiber artist and designer, Fanni Fabian is influenced by manual ways of constructing materials. She studied Sustainable Material Driven Design in Copenhagen School of Design, where she researched the future ways of manufacturing fiber. Her interdisciplinary project between molecular biology and high-performance fashion design got awarded the best project KEA 2017 and recognized by Medical Museion Copenhagen.

In her work traditional techniques elevate to reflect contemporary concerns. The rope itself is the main red thread, emphasizing the opposites of connection and alienation, restriction and extension.

She researches how to bend the borders between functional and abstract, her label NUFF textile aims to create a link between home decor and art. She looks for new ways of understanding textile design, beyond the 2 dimensional, and creates accessible pieces, inviting her audience to experience touch, proximity and intimacy.

She studied visual arts in Grandham Collage of Art and classical oil painting in Melbourne.

Reaching beyond the borders of her beloved medium, fiber, she has a life-long engagement with painting and drawing. In her illustrations she creates a unique universe filled with jolly lovable creatures. She appreciates traditional techniques, and her imagery has a nostalgic touch to it in the fast phase of today's image generation.

2021 Szimpla Mini - Knotted Landscapes - Solo exhibition

2022 48StundenNeukölln - Group exhibition

2022 Berlin Art Week in KunstHausKule - Sensing Landscapes - Performance and interdisciplinary exhibition

2023 48StundenNeukölln - Sensing Volumes - Performance and interdisciplinary group exhibition

2023 MOOS Space - Lunar Epiphany - Group exhibition

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